Ever suffer from brain fog, overload and fatigue?

stress test

Ever suffer from brain fog, overload and fatigue? Could you be suffering from Scattered Communication Syndrome?

Something is making you feel overloaded, overwhelmed and exhausted. It could be anything from work stress, poor diet, inadequate sleep and/or a host of other less than perfect scenarios – or all of the above.
Whatever the cause, one thing is for sure, working online with different platforms, programmes and open windows will add fuel on the fire. There is even a name for it – Scattered Communication Syndrome. (SCS)

These are 5 signs that you could be suffering from SCS:

  1. Using multiple tools/apps/programmes and/or platforms at the same time.
    Think about how many ways people contact you, including Whatsapp, emails, text, FB, Linked in. Switching backwards and forwards is time consuming but worse, disrupts concentration. Our attention span has dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2017 – 25% in 17 years.
  2. Starting another task before finishing the current one (or more)
    When I was in financial services, my wise administrator told me to never have more than one client file open at any time, to avoid papers being muddled and ending up in the wrong folder. Starting something in the middle of doing something else can muddle thoughts and information, reducing efficiency and clarity of thought.
  3. No clear list or strategy for the day
    Having a to-do list at the start of the day and sticking to it helps you to complete tasks one at a time; closing windows, turning off email alerts, having time email/message checks mean you are in control
  4. A disorganised, chaotic and messy workspace. When we were 100% paper-based, a time and motion expert suggested putting a pencil dot on the top right corner of a piece of paper or file each time it is picked up or looked at and to count the number of dots at the end of the week. This was to highlight the importance of clean, efficient workplace and still holds true.
  5. Missing deadline, appointments or double booking yourself. Working inefficiently creates gaps which allow energy and memory to slip through. When we are low in energy, our performance slows, accuracy slips and patience suffers.

Each time we receive an “alert, ping, ding or buzz” our brains perform somersaults to keep track and make sense. Although the brain is around 2% of overall body weight, it uses up a stonking 20% of energy. With the increasing cost of energy hitting our pockets in the home, we look for ways to save.

How about applying the same principles to that all important brain energy which is what earns your salary today?

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